/*jshint -W003:true */ /*jshint -W107:true */ /*jshint -W057:true */ var Skype = new function () { this.name = null; this.element = null; this.participants = ["echo123"]; this.listParticipants = "false"; this.video = "false"; this.topic = null; this.listTopic = "false"; this.imageSize = null; this.imageColor = null; this.useDetection = "true"; this.protocol = "skype:"; this.version = "1.1.7"; this.httpProtocol = window.location.protocol !== "https:" ? "http:" : "https:"; this.ui = l; this.setImageAttributes = j; this.trimString = o; this.escapeString = b; this.createDetectionFrame = h; this.trySkypeUri_IE9_IE8 = n; this.trySkypeUri_IOS_Safari = e; this.trySkypeUri_Android_Firefox = q; this.trySkypeUri_Generic = a; this.SkypeClientDownloadUrl = this.httpProtocol + "//secure.skype.com/download"; this.installSkypeMsg = "Please install Skype application in order to make this call or send a message."; this.displayNotSupportedMsg = f; this.SkypeUriAssetMap = c; this.SkypeUriAssetColorMap = g; this.SkypeUriNameLinks = m; this.assetPrefix = this.httpProtocol + "//secure.skypeassets.com/i/scom/images/skype-buttons/"; this.assetSizeArray = [10, 12, 14, 16, 24, 32]; this.assetSizeDefault = 16; this.assetMarginMinimum = 16; this.assetSize = this.assetSizeDefault; this.assetMargin = (this.assetSize >= this.assetMarginMinimum) ? this.assetSize : this.assetMarginMinimum; this.assetColorPathWhite = "_trans_"; this.assetColorFontWhite = "white"; this.assetColorPathSkype = "_"; this.assetColorFontSkype = "#444444"; this.assetColorPathDefault = this.assetColorPathSkype; this.assetColorFontDefault = this.assetColorFontSkype; this.assetColor = new this.SkypeUriAssetColorMap(this.assetColorPathDefault, this.assetColorFontDefault); this.assetSizeMap = {}; this.assetSizeMap.size10 = new this.SkypeUriAssetMap(10, -18); this.assetSizeMap.size12 = new this.SkypeUriAssetMap(12, -19); this.assetSizeMap.size14 = new this.SkypeUriAssetMap(14, -19); this.assetSizeMap.size16 = new this.SkypeUriAssetMap(16, -20); this.assetSizeMap.size24 = new this.SkypeUriAssetMap(24, -30); this.assetSizeMap.size32 = new this.SkypeUriAssetMap(32, -41); this.focusLinks = new this.SkypeUriNameLinks("", ""); this.callLinks = new this.SkypeUriNameLinks("call", ""); this.videoLinks = new this.SkypeUriNameLinks("call", ""); this.chatLinks = new this.SkypeUriNameLinks("chat", ""); this.multiChatLinks = new this.SkypeUriNameLinks("chat", ""); this.dropdownLinks = new this.SkypeUriNameLinks("dropdown", ""); this.setImageAttributes(this.assetSizeDefault, ""); this.analyzeSkypeUriInit = null; this.analyzeSkypeUriAction = null; this.analyzeSkypeUriRedirect = null; this.analyzeSkypeUr = null; this.analyzePreCrumbs = []; this.analyzeCrumbs = []; this.analyzeCrumbIndex = -1; this.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri = k; this.detectSkypeClientFrameId = null; this.detectedPlatform = "unknown"; this.detectedBrowser = "unknown"; this.isWinXP = false; this.isWinVista = false; this.isWin7 = false; this.isWin8 = false; this.isOSX_SnowLeopard = false; this.isOSX_MountainLion = false; this.isLinux = false; this.isWinPhone8 = false; this.isAndroid = false; this.isAndroid_Gingerbread = false; this.isAndroid_IceCream = false; this.isAndroid_JellyBean = false; this.isIOS6 = false; this.isIOS5 = false; this.isIOS4 = false; this.isIPhone = false; this.isIPad = false; this.isIPod = false; this.isIE10 = false; this.isIE9 = false; this.isIE8 = false; this.isIE7 = false; this.isIE6 = false; this.isFF = false; this.isAndroidBrowser = false; this.isChrome = false; this.isSafari = false; this.showDropdown = i; this.hideDropdown = d; this.analyzeScript = this.httpProtocol + "//secure.skypeassets.com/i/scom/js/" + "skype-analytics.js"; this.includeJavascript = p; this.includeJavascript(this.analyzeScript); if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 5.1") !== -1) { this.isWinXP = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Windows XP" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.0") !== -1) { this.isWinVista = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Windows Vista" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.1") !== -1) { this.isWin7 = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Windows 7" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows NT 6.2") !== -1) { this.isWin8 = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Windows 8" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac OS X 10_7") !== -1) { this.isOSX_SnowLeopard = true; this.detectedPlatform = "OSX 10.7" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac OS X 10.8") !== -1) { this.isOSX_MountainLion = true; this.detectedPlatform = "OSX 10.8" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mac OS X 10_8") !== -1) { this.isOSX_MountainLion = true; this.detectedPlatform = "OSX 10.8" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Linux") !== -1) { this.isLinux = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Linux" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Windows Phone 8") !== -1) { this.isWinPhone8 = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Windows Phone 8" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android") !== -1) { this.isAndroid = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Android" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 2.3") !== -1) { this.isAndroid_Gingerbread = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Android 2.3" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 4.0") !== -1) { this.isAndroid_IceCream = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Android 4.0" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 4.1") !== -1) { this.isAndroid_JellyBean = true; this.detectedPlatform = "Android 4.1" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/OS 6_[0-9_]+ like Mac OS X/i)) { this.isIOS6 = true; this.detectedPlatform = "iOS6" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/OS 5_[0-9_]+ like Mac OS X/i)) { this.isIOS5 = true; this.detectedPlatform = "iOS5" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.match(/OS 4_[0-9_]+ like Mac OS X/i)) { this.isIOS4 = true; this.detectedPlatform = "iOS4" } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPhone") !== -1) { this.isIPhone = true; this.detectedPlatform = "iPhone " + this.detectedPlatform } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPad") !== -1) { this.IsPad = true; this.detectedPlatform = "iPad " + this.detectedPlatform } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("iPod") !== -1) { this.IsPod = true; this.detectedPlatform = "iPod " + this.detectedPlatform } } } if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10") !== -1) { this.isIE10 = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Internet Explorer 10" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 9") !== -1) { this.isIE9 = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Internet Explorer 9" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 8") !== -1) { this.isIE8 = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Internet Explorer 8" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 7") !== -1) { this.isIE7 = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Internet Explorer 7" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 6") !== -1) { this.isIE6 = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Internet Explorer 6" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox") !== -1) { this.isFF = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Firefox" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") !== -1) { this.isChrome = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Chrome" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Mobile Safari") !== -1 && this.isAndroid) { this.isAndroidBrowser = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Mobile Safari" } else { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Safari") !== -1) { this.isSafari = true; this.detectedBrowser = "Safari" } } } } } } } } } if (this.isLinux) { this.useDetection = "false" } if (this.isAndroid) { this.SkypeClientDownloadUrl = "market://details?id=com.skype.raider" } else { if (this.isIOS6 || this.isIOS5 || this.isIOS4) { this.SkypeClientDownloadUrl = "itms-apps://itunes.com/apps/skype" } } function f() { alert("Sorry this device doesn't support Skype Buttons yet. Please add " + this.participants[0] + " as a contact in your Skype Client to MAKE this call.") } function i(r) { document.getElementById(r).style.display = "block"; if (typeof (window["timer_" + r]) !== "undefined") { window.clearTimeout(window["timer_" + r]) } window["timer_" + r] = null; delete window["timer_" + r] } function d(r) { window["timer_" + r] = window.setTimeout(function () { document.getElementById(r).style.display = "none" }, 1000) } function k(r, s) { if (!this.analyzeSkypeUri && typeof analyzeSkypeUri === "function") { this.analyzeSkypeUri = analyzeSkypeUri } if (typeof this.analyzeSkypeUri === "function") { this.analyzeSkypeUri(r, s) } else { var t = {}; t.prop3 = "image size / color: " + this.imageSize + " / " + this.imageColor; t.prop4 = "video / list participants / list topic: " + this.video + " / " + this.listParticipants + " / " + this.listTopic; t.prop5 = "target(s): " + this.participants; t.prop6 = "user agent: " + navigator.userAgent; t.prop7 = "detected protocol: " + window.location.protocol; t.prop8 = "detected platform: " + this.detectedPlatform; t.prop9 = "detected browser: " + this.detectedBrowser; t.prop10 = this.version + " (pre script load)"; if (r === "init") { if (this.name === this.chatLinks.name) { t.prop11 = "Chat Init" } else { if (this.name === this.callLinks.name) { t.prop11 = "Call Init" } else { if (this.name === this.dropdownLinks.name) { t.prop11 = "Dropdown Init" } } } t.prop12 = document.domain + " - Init" } else { if (r === "chat") { t.prop11 = "Chat Action"; t.prop13 = document.domain + " - Chat" } else { if (r === "call") { t.prop11 = "Call Action"; t.prop14 = document.domain + " - Call" } else { if (r === "dropdownChat") { t.prop11 = "Dropdown Chat Action"; t.prop13 = document.domain + " - Chat" } else { if (r === "dropdownCall") { t.prop11 = "Dropdown Call Action"; t.prop14 = document.domain + " - Call" } else { if (r === "redirect") { t.prop11 = "Redirect" } } } } } } this.analyzePreCrumbs.push(t) } } function p(s) { var r = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var t = document.createElement("script"); t.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript"); t.setAttribute("src", s); r.appendChild(t) } function c(s, r) { this.size = s; this.verticalOffset = r } function g(s, r) { this.path = s; this.font = r } function m(r, s) { this.name = r; this.linkImage = s } function l(L) { this.name = null; if ((L.name !== undefined) && (L.name !== null)) { this.name = L.name } if ((L.element !== undefined) && (L.element !== null)) { this.element = L.element } if ((L.participants !== undefined) && (L.participants !== null)) { this.participants = L.participants } if ((L.listParticipants !== undefined) && (L.listParticipants !== null)) { this.listParticipants = L.listParticipants } if ((L.video !== undefined) && (L.video !== null)) { this.video = L.video } if ((L.topic !== undefined) && (L.topic !== null)) { this.topic = L.topic } if ((L.listTopic !== undefined) && (L.listTopic !== null)) { this.listTopic = L.listTopic } if ((L.imageSize !== undefined) && (L.imageSize !== null)) { this.imageSize = L.imageSize } if ((L.imageColor !== undefined) && (L.imageColor !== null)) { this.imageColor = L.imageColor } if ((L.useDetection !== undefined) && (L.useDetection !== null)) { this.useDetection = L.useDetection } if (this.useDetection === "false") { this.useDetection = false } else { if (this.useDetection === "true") { this.useDetection = true } } if ((L.protocol !== undefined) && (L.protocol !== null)) { this.protocol = L.protocol } else { this.protocol = "skype:" } var G = {}; G.prop0 = this.name; G.prop3 = "image size / color: " + this.imageSize + " / " + this.imageColor; G.prop4 = "video / list participants / list topic: " + this.video + " / " + this.listParticipants + " / " + this.listTopic; G.prop5 = "target(s): " + this.participants; G.prop6 = "user agent: " + navigator.userAgent; G.prop7 = "detected protocol: " + window.location.protocol; G.prop8 = "detected platform: " + this.detectedPlatform; G.prop9 = "detected browser: " + this.detectedBrowser; G.prop10 = this.version; this.analyzeCrumbs.push(G); this.analyzeCrumbIndex += 1; var y; var P; y = this.trimString(L.element); if (y.length !== 0) { P = document.getElementById(y); if (P === null) { alert("Sorry! Could not find Skype URI parent element: " + y + " ('" + L.element + "')"); return (false) } else { if (((L.name !== undefined) && (L.name !== null)) && ((L.participants === undefined) || (L.participants === null))) { alert("Error! Required member 'participants' omitted or specified as null"); return (false) } } } else { alert("Error! Required member 'element' (Skype URI parent element) omitted or specified as null"); return (false) } this.setImageAttributes(L.imageSize, this.trimString(L.imageColor)); if ((L.protocol !== undefined) && (L.protocol !== null)) { this.protocol = L.protocol } var B = this.protocol; var C = ""; var x = 0; var u = false; if ((L.participants !== undefined) && (L.participants !== null)) { while (x < L.participants.length) { if (L.participants[x] !== null) { y = this.trimString(L.participants[x]); if (y.length !== 0) { if (x !== 0) { B += ";"; C += ", "; u = true } B += y; C += y } } x++ } } var H = this.focusLinks.name; var w = this.focusLinks.linkImage; var M = this.focusLinks.linkImageAltTag; var F = this.focusLinks.role; var D = false; y = this.trimString(L.name); if (y.length !== 0) { H = y; if (H === this.callLinks.name) { D = true; w = this.callLinks.linkImage; M = this.callLinks.linkImageAltTag; F = this.callLinks.role } else { if (H === this.chatLinks.name) { if (u) { w = this.multiChatLinks.linkImage; M = this.multiChatLinks.linkImageAltTag; F = this.multiChatLinks.role } else { w = this.chatLinks.linkImage; M = this.chatLinks.linkImageAltTag; F = this.chatLinks.role } } else { if (H === this.dropdownLinks.name) { w = this.dropdownLinks.linkImage; M = this.dropdownLinks.linkImageAltTag; F = this.dropdownLinks.role } else { alert("Unrecognized Skype URI name: " + H + " ('" + L.name + "') -- " + this.callLinks.name + "/" + this.chatLinks.name); return (false) } } } B += "?" + H } else { if (C.length > 0) { w = this.callLinks.linkImage; M = this.callLinks.linkImageAltTag; F = this.callLinks.role } } if (D) { y = this.trimString(L.video); if (y === "true") { w = this.videoLinks.linkImage; M = this.videoLinks.linkImageAltTag; F = this.videoLinks.role; B += "&video=" + y } } var s = null; if ((u) && ((D) || (H === this.chatLinks.name))) { y = this.trimString(L.topic); if (y.length > 0) { s = y; B += "&topic=" + b(s) } } var N = document.createElement("a"); var v = ""; var A = ""; if (!this.useDetection || (this.isWin8 && this.isIE10) || this.isIE7 || this.isIE6) { A = B } else { if ((this.isWinPhone8 && this.isIE10) || (this.isAndroid && this.isAndroidBrowser) || (this.isAndroid && this.isChrome)) { A = "javascript://"; v += " Skype.displayNotSupportedMsg();" } else { y = "Skype.trySkypeUri_Generic"; if (this.isIE10 || this.isIE9 || this.isIE8) { y = "Skype.trySkypeUri_IE9_IE8" } else { if ((this.isIOS6 || this.isIOS5 || this.isIOS4) && this.isSafari) { y = "Skype.trySkypeUri_IOS_Safari" } else { if (this.isAndroid && this.isFF) { y = "Skype.trySkypeUri_Android_Firefox" } } } if (this.detectSkypeClientFrameId === null) { this.createDetectionFrame(this.P); } A = "javascript://"; v += y + "('" + B + "', '" + this.detectSkypeClientFrameId + "', '" + this.analyzeCrumbIndex + "'); return false;" } } var z = document.createElement("img"); z.setAttribute("src", w); z.setAttribute("alt", M); z.setAttribute("role", F); //z.setAttribute("style", ("border:0; margin:" + this.assetMargin + "px; vertical-align:" + this.assetSizeMap[("size" + this.assetSize)].verticalOffset + "px;")); z.setAttribute("style", ("border:0; margin:0px; vertical-align:" + this.assetSizeMap[("size" + this.assetSize)].verticalOffset + "px;")); if (this.name === this.dropdownLinks.name) { z.setAttribute("onmouseover", "Skype.showDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); z.setAttribute("onmouseout", "Skype.hideDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); N.setAttribute("style", "cursor: text;"); N.setAttribute("onfocus", "Skype.showDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); N.setAttribute("onblur", "Skype.hideDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); N.setAttribute("href", "javascript://"); N.setAttribute("onclick", "return false;") } else { if (this.name === this.chatLinks.name) { v = "Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri('chat', '" + this.analyzeCrumbIndex + "');" + v } else { v = "Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri('call', '" + this.analyzeCrumbIndex + "');" + v } N.setAttribute("href", A); N.setAttribute("onclick", v) } N.appendChild(z); uriPara = document.createElement("p"); uriPara.setAttribute("id", (L.element + "_paraElement")); uriPara.setAttribute("style", ("font-size:" + (this.assetSize - 2) + "px; color:" + this.assetColor.font)); uriPara.appendChild(N); if (this.name === this.dropdownLinks.name) { var O = "-10"; var J = "15"; if (this.assetSize === "10") { J = "15" } else { if (this.assetSize === "12") { J = "15" } else { if (this.assetSize === "14") { J = "15" } else { if (this.assetSize === "16") { J = "15" } else { if (this.assetSize === "24") { O = "-20"; J = "25" } else { if (this.assetSize === "32") { O = "-30"; J = "30" } } } } } } var r = document.createElement("ul"); r.id = "dropdown_" + this.element; r.setAttribute("style", "display: none; position: absolute; margin-top: " + O + "px; margin-left: " + J + "px; width: 200px; padding-left: 20px; padding-right: 20px; border: 2px solid #00AFF0; background-color: white; color: #00AFF0; line-height: 50px; list-style: none; list-style-type: none;"); r.setAttribute("onmouseover", "Skype.showDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); r.setAttribute("onmouseout", "Skype.hideDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); var t = document.createElement("li"); t.setAttribute("style", "list-style: none; list-style-type: none;"); var Q = document.createElement("li"); Q.setAttribute("style", "list-style: none; list-style-type: none;"); var K = ""; var I = document.createElement("a"); I.href = "javascript://"; I.setAttribute("style", "text-decoration: none; color: #00AFF0; font-size: 16px;"); I.setAttribute("href", A); K = "Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri('dropdownCall', '" + this.analyzeCrumbIndex + "');" + v; I.setAttribute("onclick", K.replace("?" + this.dropdownLinks.name, "?" + this.callLinks.name)); I.setAttribute("onmouseover", "this.style.textDecoration = 'underline'"); I.setAttribute("onmouseout", "this.style.textDecoration = 'none'"); I.setAttribute("role", "Menu item"); I.setAttribute("onfocus", "Skype.showDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); I.setAttribute("onblur", "Skype.hideDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); var E = document.createElement("a"); E.href = "javascript://"; E.setAttribute("style", "text-decoration: none; color: #00AFF0; font-size: 16px;"); E.setAttribute("href", A); K = "Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri('dropdownChat', '" + this.analyzeCrumbIndex + "');" + v; E.setAttribute("onclick", K.replace("?" + this.dropdownLinks.name, "?" + this.chatLinks.name)); E.setAttribute("onmouseover", "this.style.textDecoration = 'underline'"); E.setAttribute("onmouseout", "this.style.textDecoration = 'none'"); I.setAttribute("role", "Menu item"); E.setAttribute("onfocus", "Skype.showDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); E.setAttribute("onblur", "Skype.hideDropdown('dropdown_" + this.element + "'); return false;"); I.innerHTML = "Call"; t.appendChild(I); E.innerHTML = "Chat"; Q.appendChild(E); r.appendChild(t); r.appendChild(Q); uriPara.appendChild(r) } y = null; if (C.length !== 0) { if (this.trimString(L.listParticipants) === "true") { y = " " + C } if ((s !== null) && (this.trimString(L.listTopic) === "true")) { if ((y === null) || (y.length === 0)) { y = " RE: " + s } else { y += ("; RE: " + s) } } if (y === null) { y = "" } uriPara.appendChild(document.createTextNode(y)) } P.appendChild(uriPara); this.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri("init", this.analyzeCrumbIndex); return (true) } function j(u, r) { this.assetSize = this.assetSizeDefault; this.assetMargin = (this.assetSize >= this.assetMarginMinimum) ? this.assetSize : this.assetMarginMinimum; var t; var s = this.assetSizeArray.length; for (t = 0; t < s; t++) { if (u === this.assetSizeArray[t]) { this.assetSize = u; break } } this.assetMargin = (this.assetSize >= this.assetMarginMinimum) ? this.assetSize : this.assetMarginMinimum; this.assetColor.path = this.assetColorPathDefault; this.assetColor.font = this.assetColorFontDefault; if (r.length > 0) { if (r === "skype") { this.assetColor.path = this.assetColorPathSkype; this.assetColor.font = this.assetColorFontSkype } else { if (r === "white") { this.assetColor.path = this.assetColorPathWhite; this.assetColor.font = this.assetColorFontWhite } } } this.focusLinks.linkImage = this.assetPrefix + "Skypeicon" + this.assetColor.path + this.assetSize + "px.png"; this.callLinks.linkImage = this.assetPrefix + "callbutton" + this.assetColor.path + this.assetSize + "px.png"; this.videoLinks.linkImage = this.assetPrefix + "callbutton" + this.assetColor.path + this.assetSize + "px.png"; this.chatLinks.linkImage = this.assetPrefix + "chatbutton" + this.assetColor.path + this.assetSize + "px.png"; this.multiChatLinks.linkImage = this.assetPrefix + "chatbutton" + this.assetColor.path + this.assetSize + "px.png"; this.dropdownLinks.linkImage = this.assetPrefix + "dropdowncallbutton" + this.assetColor.path + this.assetSize + "px.png"; this.focusLinks.linkImageAltTag = "Open Skype"; this.callLinks.linkImageAltTag = "Skype call"; this.videoLinks.linkImageAltTag = "Skype call"; this.chatLinks.linkImageAltTag = "Skype chat, instant message"; this.multiChatLinks.linkImageAltTag = "Skype chat, instant message"; this.dropdownLinks.linkImageAltTag = "Call options"; this.focusLinks.role = "Button"; this.callLinks.role = "Button"; this.videoLinks.role = "Button"; this.chatLinks.role = "Button"; this.multiChatLinks.role = "Button"; this.dropdownLinks.role = "Pop up menu" } function o(t) { if ((t === undefined) || (t === null)) { return ("") } var u = t.length; var s = u - 1; var r = false; while ((!r) && (u > 0)) { switch (t[s]) { case " ": case "\t": case "\n": case "\r": u--; break; default: r = true; break } s-- } if (u > 0) { return (t.substr(0, u)) } return ("") } function b(s) { if ((s === undefined) || (s === null)) { return ("") } var r = s.replace(/\s/g, "%20"); r = r.replace(/:/g, "%3A"); r = r.replace(/\x2F/g, "%2F"); return (r.replace(/\x5C/g, "%5C")) } function h(r) { if(!r) { var divs = document.getElementsByTagName("div"); for(var i = 0; i < divs.length; i++) { if(divs[i].id && divs[i].id.match("SkypeButton")) { r = divs[i]; } } } var t = new Date(); this.detectSkypeClientFrameId = "_detectSkypeClient_" + t.getTime().toString(); var s = document.createElement("iframe"); s.setAttribute("style", "display:none;"); s.setAttribute("id", this.detectSkypeClientFrameId); r.appendChild(s); } function n(s, w, u) { var v = false; var r = window.open("", "_blank", "width=100, height=100"); var t = r.document.createElement("iframe"); t.setAttribute("src", s); r.document.body.appendChild(t); setTimeout(function () { try { r.location.href; v = true } catch (x) {} if (v) { r.setTimeout("window.close()", 10) } else { r.close(); alert(Skype.installSkypeMsg); Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri("redirect", u); window.location = Skype.SkypeClientDownloadUrl } }, 100) } function e(s, v, t) { var r = document.getElementById(v); var u = true; window.addEventListener("pagehide", function () { u = false }, false); if (r !== null) { r.src = s } setTimeout(function () { if (u) { alert(Skype.installSkypeMsg); Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri("redirect", t); window.location = Skype.SkypeClientDownloadUrl } }, 2000) } function q(s, v, u) { var t = false; var r = document.getElementById(v); if (r !== null) { try { r.contentWindow.location.href = s; t = true } catch (w) { t = false } } setTimeout(function () { if (!t) { alert(Skype.installSkypeMsg); Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri("redirect", u); window.location = Skype.SkypeClientDownloadUrl } }, 2000) } function a(s, v, t) { var u = true; window.onblur = function () { u = false }; var r = document.getElementById(v); if (r !== null) { r.src = s } setTimeout(function () { if (u) { alert(Skype.installSkypeMsg); Skype.tryAnalyzeSkypeUri("redirect", t); window.location = Skype.SkypeClientDownloadUrl } }, 2000) } }(); /*jshint +W003:true */ /*jshint +W107:true */ /*jshint +W057:true */